Since 1982, Mt Roskill Baptist Kindergarten has provided quality Christian pre-school education to the Mt Roskill community.


Our Philosophy

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Mt Roskill Baptist kindergarten provides quality education in an environment where Biblical truths are taught and lived.  We value children as unique individuals so we provide them with different opportunities to grow and develop into competent and confident learners.  We provide a program based on the interests of children.  Its aim is to encourage children to be self motivated by creating the foundation for lifelong learning.

We believe that relationships form the basis of quality education and when the teachers nurture the children’s interest with warmth and care, both adults and children learn together. We embrace the idea of environment as the third teacher which creates, inspires and supports children to think, to wonder, to be challenged, to investigate further and to research their working theories of the world around them. We provide a nature rich environment to give the children every opportunity to develop life skills through interacting with nature.

We acknowledge Te Whariki as a frame work which guides and inspires our work with children and adults.  We believe that Maori are the first people of Aotearoa, New Zealand.  Te Reo and Tikanga Maori are woven into our daily practice.  We also acknowledge that we are a multicultural society, and value all cultures, religions, and beliefs within MRBK and beyond.  We value and respect the diversity within our centre regardless of ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic status or gender differences.

We value our parents as the first educators of their child.  We promote open and ongoing communication between parents, families, whanau and teachers, to ensure the individual and specific needs of each child are met. We are welcoming to all our parents and we strive to provide an equitable environment for everyone and encourage supportive links between families and the centre.  We consult with parents, families and whanau to ensure their needs and aspirations for their child is being met. We provide a program that prepares children for a smooth transition to school.

We are committed to ongoing professional development and to maintaining a high level of trained and registered teachers thus ensuring we offer a high quality programme.  Teacher professional development, teacher reflections, centre review and programme evaluation help us to continually monitor, assess, evaluate and improve our teaching and learning, thus enabling us to meet the learning and development aims of all our children and their parents, families and whanau.

Our Team

Meribha Dammala - Head Teacher Graduate Diploma in Teaching (ECE) The University of Auckland

Meribha Dammala - Head Teacher
Graduate Diploma in Teaching (ECE)
The University of Auckland

Shalini Saldanha - Teacher Bachelor of Teaching (ECE) The University of Auckland

Shalini Saldanha - Teacher
Bachelor of Teaching (ECE)
The University of Auckland

Annelisa Davis

Bachelor of Teaching ECE

New Zealand Tertiary College

Hailey Yu

Bachelor of Teaching (ECE)

University of Auckland

Our Values

MRBK exists to support families by providing quality, affordable, Christian preschool education.

We aim to provide an environment that;

  • is caring and supportive, that reflects our multicultural diversity and where all families and their children have a sense of belonging.

  • stimulates, encourages and supports children to develop their potential physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially and cognitively.

  • is God honouring, teaching Biblical principles throughout the curriculum so that the children will learn and know of God and His Son Jesus.

  • assesses and records the progress and development of the children.

  • prepares children for an easy transition to school.

  • supports the teaching staff and encourages ongoing professional development.



This environment is achieved by focusing on the following core values:

Our first priority is to honour God through the vehicle of this ministry

  1. We will at all times prayerfully and sensitively seek to be a faithful witness of the love of God and hereby point men, women and children to Jesus- the saviour of the world

  2. As Christians we will view our job primarily as a Christian ministry and therefore we approach our work prayerfully, humbly expecting God and His power to make a difference

  3. We are committed to striving for excellence in all that we do


We are all responsible to:

  • provide a warm, safe, caring environment for the children- their well-being is our first responsibility- we must be alert at all times.

  • provide an environment which promotes children's growth, meeting physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs.

  • make whanau and children welcome.  Call them by name, help children separate from parents/caregivers without anxiety.  Give parents positive input about their children.

  • general tidiness of children. Teaching them to care for their personal property, putting shoes and clothing in their bags/on hooks.

  • teach children to respect each other, adults and also the equipment.

  • work together to provide an age appropriate programme for the children.

  • see each child as an individual and be open to the needs for each child; e.g. being aware of those who may need some extra time or cuddles.

  • keep the play areas reasonably tidy and safe.